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Brant Sherwood V Alec Hagaman
1/7/2022 - Brant Sherwood vs. Alec Hagaman, Travis Armstrong vs. Francesco Corona
Jake Schultz chases and beats on Alec Hagaman
Dillon Hill V Alec Hagaman 12/31/2022
Alec Hagaman fight with Blake Young
Riley Robertson V Alec Hagaman
Did Thomas Dockery bite Alec Hagaman?
Josh Nenadal V Alec Hagaman, Travis Armstrong V Cody Dion
Jake Flegel vs Alec Hagaman Dec 9, 2016
Tommy Tsicos V Alec Hagaman 10/22/2022
03-14-15 A Hagaman vs H Mahesh
Connor Fries V JM Piotrowski, Mitchell McPherson V Troy Murray 1/28/23